R1/MH Property Updates
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Coastal Association of REALTORS® Responds to Ocean City's Emergency Ordinance/Moratorium on New Rental Licenses
OCEAN CITY, February 5, 2025 – The Coastal Association of REALTORS® is dedicated to protecting property rights and ensuring that all R-1 and MH property owners in Ocean City have access to clear, transparent information about the proposed rental regulations. Over the past few weeks, our 2025 President, Lauren Bunting; our Governmental Affairs Director, Hunter Isaac; and Bernie Flax, CEO have engaged in extensive conversations with our members and R-1 & MH property owners as well as the Mayor, City Manager, and several council members regarding the evolving regulatory landscape.
Monday February 3rd, at the conclusion of a four-hour meeting, the Ocean City Mayor and Town Council passed an Emergency Rental Ordinance/Moratorium. The key details of this ordinance are as follows:
- Effective Immediately:
The moratorium is retroactive to January 27, 2025, and will remain in effect until December 31, 2025. - Scope:
During this period, no new R-1 (Residential) or MH (Mobile Home) rental licenses will be issued. - Existing Licenses:
Current 2024 R-1 and MH rental license holders will be permitted to renew their licenses for the 2025 rental year.
In addition to the rental moratorium, the following ordinances passed at the February 3rd meeting.
- Ordinance 2025-01:
Passed Second Reading – This amendment to various articles of Chapter 14, Business; Occupancy, introduces a “Three Strikes” rule for a designated local person. - Ordinance 2025-02:
Passed Second Reading – This ordinance addresses the redefinition of family in the context of rental agreements.
The following ordinance passed it first reading and is expected to have a second reading at the next council meeting.
- Ordinance 2025-04:
Passed First Reading – This measure establishes a minimum length-of-stay requirement of five nights in R-1 and MH zones. Importantly, bookings made prior to 3:30 PM on January 28, 2024, will be honored under the previous guidelines regardless of the new minimum stay requirement.
“No matter your stance on these issues, the commitment of Coastal Association remains the same” commented 2025 Association President Lauren Bunting—"we stand for your rights as a homeowner and taxpayer. We are here to provide the resources you need to understand these proposed changes and to ensure that your voice is heard regarding your property.”
“When the final reading of Ordinance 2025-04 occurs, and all ordinances are in effect Coastal Association will publish a Consumer Notice Ocean City R1/MH disclosure form on the above items and distribute form to all Maryland REALTORS® for brokers and agents to present to their consumers. In the meantime, we will continue to educate our membership and the public through our website FOLLOW THE FACTS QR Code”, commented Bernie Flax, CEO.
The Coastal Association of REALTORS® is fortunate enough to represent over 1,000 real estate professionals in Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties. These members are engaged, informed, and active in their communities. They support the American dream of homeownership, as well as the purchase and use of all types of real property. They are local. They are accurate. They are trusted. They are REALTORS® and affiliate members.
For more information on Coastal, visit www.coastalrealtors.org. The term REALTOR® is a registered collective membership mark unique to real estate professionals who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics.
MEDIA CONTACT: Bernie Flax / 410-641-4409 / bernie@coastalrealtors.org
Update from the February 3, 2025 Mayor and Council Meeting.
Current Status: Occupancy, “Three Strikes” Designated Local Person, Redefinition of Family. Passed Second Reading.
Moratorium on new R-1 and MH licenses, retroactive to January 27th, 2025. Ending on December 31, 2025. 2024 R-1 and MH rental license holders can renew for 2025. Passed as an Emergency Ordinance. Effective immediately.
Minimum Length-of-Stay of five nights in R-1 and MH, effective for the 2025 rental license year, bookings made prior to 3:30PM on 1/28/2024 will be honored regardless of length-of-stay. Passed First Reading. Will be on Second Reading on 2/17 (or 2/18 depending on if City Hall is closed for Presidents’ Day).
Update from the January 28, 2025 Mayor and Council Meeting.
R-1 and Mobile Home neighborhoods are facing restrictions on rentals. The Mayor and Council are considering:
- A minimum length-of-stay of five consecutive nights in the R-1 and Mobile Home neighborhoods.
- A moratorium on the issuance of new short-term rental licenses in the R-1 and Mobile Home neighborhoods ending on December 31st, 2025.
These will be read for the first time on Monday, February 3rd, 2025, at 301 Baltimore Ave in Ocean City at 6:00 PM. There will be an opportunity to publicly comment on these new ordinances. Please attend and make your voice heard.
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Town of Ocean City MD - Proposed Rental Revisions
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